Craigslist A money making machineCraigslist is regionally based website that truly promotes community involvement. However, you can post in any of the available metros and multiple metros as well. The trick is in designing an ad that gets people attention, getting on a regular posting schedule, following the rules (or at least not overtly breaking them) and searching for new customers daily. Get into the habit of posting often on Craigslist and hit multiple metros with different ads to get more reach (if you business can support it). It's free to post so what do you have to lose! Understanding Craigslist rules are fairly simple as they are openly published. They are super picky about what you can post, but there are exceptions like livestock and anything illegal (drugs, guns, etc. ). One of the major rules that I see as a marketing rule more than a terms of service rule is to post in the category that best corresponds with your product type. This ensures your ad will reach the best target without adding to useless clutter. Over 8 million people post monthly on Craigslist and that number grows every day. Don't just sit back and post ads, answer ads seeking your products and services as well. Craigslist is one of the best ways for every business, large and small or individual to spread the word about it's services or gain prospects. James Sterr is a web marketing expert and the author of 24 Year Old Craigslist Mastermind Reveals His Untold Secrets On How To BANKROLL Up To $10,517.27 In Profits Every Month! the first and only video tutorials pack that features detailed tips, tricks and guidance showing every business how to succeed on For more information, visit
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