Firstly, what is EDC Diamond business? What are its products? EDC is one business that allows you to sell software and e-books at a very high profit margin. You get the rights to over $100,000 worth of software once you pay your start up fee of $997 and you don't have to pay anything for the products. The products make great bonuses when offered with other products. Members can resell EDC products combining their other business products on marketing sites such as e-bay.
They can also be sold through tele-seminars. Since the products are digital in nature the shipping cost becomes nil. A sample from the product portfolio contains the following: 1)Easy Article Submitters 2)Create Websites In seconds 3)Quick and Easy Web Templates 4)Email Marketing 5)Ebay Opportunities 6)WebAudio Plus 7)Blogs 8)Affiliate Programs There are many opportunities available today and more are coming along all the time. All of them claim fame and fortune for everybody. Maybe my knowhow was not enough to make money from other Internet businesses that I tried.
I believe maybe my skill level was not high enough to put those programs into production that can generate money for me. EDC has been a different experience. Even with the limited knowledge of Internet marketing I have been able to turn EDCGold into profit.
I enrolled my first members using E-mails. Using auto-responders EDC has been able to acquire and manage thousands of leads to send out. Additionally, the up front fee for EDCGold is $997 which is one-time payment and then a renewal fee of $49 every month.
A member can pay the renewal fee at one go by paying $350.00 a month, however, it is payable as one-time amount of $350.00. Some people say that $997 is so much. But where can you start a business that will pay you thousands of dollars per month for as little as $997. Training that is available in the back office is quite detailed as well as complete and available at no cost.
Training covers marketing and advertising as well as what to say to your potential partners. Owners of EDC, Craig Garcia and Michael Corcoran are available to talk via phone to all EDC members for 4 days in a week. One needs to have a merchant account for processing the credit card transactions. Instead Web Marketing Magic can be used. Although, it is not very cheap since it offers many tools you may require managing large amounts of names and e-mail addresses.
The next step is to pick the lead capture pages and auto-responder messages from the ones already selected by the owners of EDC. How does EDC pay members? If one comes in at $997 level and brings in two team members, the money goes to your trainer or sponsor. After the first two you keep all the money. Suppose a member brings in four team members each month the front end money will be $4000 Here is the reality check. EDC is a business and it should be regarded so and a member should sincerely try to convert the leads to make most of them.
Running an auto pilot will not be as beneficial as manual. People who have existing networks of people will do better than someone who doesn't. Either way this is simple but certainly not easy.
Ask him more of these easy-to-apply and not-so-costly advertising tactics. He is a EDC Diamond mentor and offers full support and training to help his members generate traffic. Know more about EDC Diamond as a home-based opportunity and how the EDCGold expert works along with his members to advertise about the EDC business, ask anyone of the EDC Diamond team members.