How To Use RSS Feed More Effectively To Increase TrafficGetting more traffic to your blog or website is the best way to make money on the Internet. To do that you can also build an e mail marketing list and get your message out that way. Another way that really is great is using RSS feeds to keep people up to date on what is going on in your business. RSS is the acronym for Really Simple Syndication and it is basically a format that is used all over the internet for syndication of news and other related sites, which can include all major news sites and personal web logs. Many people will use RSS feed to help them increase their traffic for their home business. There are five key ways to use RSS feed as a successful business tool for you. One: You want to use RSS feed to get your domain blog-rolled but you first have to have the RSS in place. You need to learn how if you do not know how to put it in place. You can do this by attaching links from other blogs and websites to your blog and website. This will help to increase your link popularity. Two: Submit your RSS feed to the RSS directories. You will be able to drive a lot of traffic to your link this way and it will help to increase your link popularity with the search engines. Three: Be sure and keep your RSS feeds up to date. You have to do this if you want to be indexed by search engines on a more frequent basis. Four: Use RSS press release. This has many advantages and one of them being that you won't need to use email marketing as much because you will be able to spread the news to the important places as it comes in. Five: Use RSS for real time advertising. For example, if your customer wants a product that is not currently available, when it becomes available you can use RSS to notify them. This will help your customer service be better and will help increase customer loyalty also. Part of the success to making more money online is taking care of people when you get the chance. Six: Many internet marketers still do not understand the importance of branding themselves. You do that several ways, but being able to establish your own credibility is a big key. You can keep your name in front of your subscribers and build your credibility using RSS feeds. Over time you become a trusted source for quality information if you do it correctly. Here are a couple of good websites for more information on RSS feeds: http://www.rssfeedgenerate. com/ This should give you some ideas on how to use a RSS feed to increase traffic. Traffic is the name of the game and you need it coming from as many different sources as possible if you are trying to make more money online today!. Jeff Schuman invites to visit his make money online website where he offers serious marketers a chance to work directly with him to make big money. Would you like to brand yourself and make more money doing it? See how he uses JV With Jeff to help you make money by visiting here now: ===>
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