How Your Home Business Keeps You Healthy

It made me smile this morning as I was listening to the Today Show. We all know there are many benefits to having a home based business; but while watching the interview with Bruce Weinstein of talk about how over 46 million Americans do not receive sick pay, as a home business owner I had to smile. I don't have any statistics to provide you that shows people who work from home are healthier than those that go to an office building everyday that filters old stale air day after day. But it should be obvious, home business owners have an advantage.

They do not have to deal with dirty air or sick people sitting next to them everyday passing on those cold and flu germs. Productivity Bruce was really talking about the ethics of someone going to work sick. Unfortunately, when their employer can not or does not pay for that time off employees are forced to show up for work sick if they expect to get paid. It makes you wonder since we all know that when you do not feel well you are not very productive. You can not think clearly and you spend more time focused on not feeling good.

When you're the boss you can stay home, you can pay yourself sick pay and you can stay in bed and get better. This is better for your health and everyone you dealing with daily. Not stressing your body by going into work will increase your recovery time, allowing you to get back to more productive business activities sooner.

Increased Home Start Ups This is just another reason why there is such a huge influx of new home business startups everyday. Parents with young children have a difficult decision every time their children or they get sick. Daycare will not take the child and their boss is not going to pay them to stay home to care for them. This is a huge benefit for parents with young children. Working from home allows parents to meet both needs: care for their ill child while building a business. This is not to say that people who work from home do not get sick, they most certainly do.

But not being exposed to all those germs day after day during the cold and flu season certainly gives them a better chance of staying healthy. So if you're looking for one more reason to start your own home business then look to your health. Having the ability to make your own choice is rewarding, and ultimately more productive to your business.

Bob and Cindy are both home based business entrepreneurs with 15 years experience in owning Real Estate and Network Marketing businesses. You can own your own business today that provides residual income for your future. To learn more and secure your financial future... Go to: For advice and strategies on building success with your online business visit our blog at

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