Is This The Sound Of The Death Nell For Adwords

Having been quite an avid user of the adwords system over the last couple of years, its quite sad to have to report that adwords is now firmly pricing itself out of the reach of anyone but the top searched sites, or those who can afford its escalating costs. This effectively means that the likes of you and I will no longer be able to afford to use this once very effective marketing method unless we are prepared to throw unlimited funds at it. Its always been a gripe with me that pay per click, although mostly effective, was never really a particularly fair way of advertising. When you think about it seriously.

Even a two year old can click on your link and you automatically get charged. I know such anomalies are unavoidable, but when all you get is two lines to try to sell your product and expect people to get a feel for your site through these two lines, well it leaves an awful lot to be desired. The way forward for me is the Search Sub Engine.

The search sub engine allows you to list your site with a proper headline and a sub headline if you require. When clicked on this then takes you to a full page where you have the opportunity to really sell your site. And once you've got the surfer hooked there is a direct link to your website and all the goodies contained therein. In my opinion it doesn't get much better or more cost effective than this and its promising to get better as it matures. It appears to be a fair system for everyone, and you don't pay extra if your site is popular and you get plenty of click throughs.

You can even keep track of the amount of visits your site has received from the search sub engine. Each listing get its own hit counter as well as various other useful tools to make the most of the couple of dollars that it cost you to list your site. Thats right a couple of dollars can get you on a search sub engine for as short a period as 1 day right up to 28 days, and as your time with them expires you get closer and closer to the all important No1 position for your search category, giving you the best possible chance of getting those all important hits.

Its then up to you and your sales copy to convert those hits into sales. It seems to me that the search sub engine is the way forward for cost effective advertising on the Internet, especially as I'm not up there with the big guys and I don't have an endless advertising budget. Nor do I have an opt in list of thousands to promote to. Maybe when I have I might go back to adwords but until then this looks like the way to go and it promises to deliver great results for your advertising dollar.

Mike Collins formerly frustrated online marketer. Now a content online marketer. Be content with your marketing and research efforts. Using a system that actually works is the first important step visit my site

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