SEO Your Website For Free Traffic From the Search Engines

SEO or search engine optimization of your website may be the most important thing you can do for the life of your home based business. Doing this correctly will not only bring you free traffic from the search engines but will bring you the highest quality targeted traffic that you can get. To correctly SEO your website for free traffic will require a bit of research. You will need to research keywords that are searched on frequently but also ones that do not have a high level of competition. Even though the internet marketing niche is extremely competitive, there are still many keywords you can find to bring your home based business plenty of free traffic.

It is your job to find those keywords. After you have done your research and found keywords to suit your website, then you can SEO your website properly for free traffic. You will be required to know just a small amount of html to do this right. Look for help with this by doing a search on any search engine. Just type "learning html" or "html tutorials" without the quotations. Properly SEO'ng your website will require you to enter your keywords in the title of your page, meta tags, h1 and h2 headers, and place your keywords here and there between 1 and 3% of all words throughout your website.

The amount of work you put in sounds a lot harder than it actually is. A few changes in your website can really make a difference on whether or not your home based business will succeed. Now that you have your keywords and your site optimized correctly, you will need to build back-links to your site. A back-link is simply a link on someone else's site that is pointing back to your website. You will rank higher for your selected keywords as your back-links increase.

You can choose more competitive keywords once you find that you are ranking for the others. By writing and submitting articles, commenting on others blogs, posting in forums, and placing your website in different online directories, you will increase the number of back-links there are to your site. It is very possible to succeed and make money online with your home based business by using the advice listed in this article.

Selecting proper keywords, SEO'ng your website, and building back-links will bring you free traffic and will work no matter what niche you are in. Using this information, you can now market and sell a product or service to just about any market you can think of. Set your website up and do a little each day to build up your back-links and before you know it, your website will be getting tons of free traffic from all the search engines.

Copyright (c) 2008 Matt Helphrey.

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