The Lazy Way to Start Your Internet BusinessSo you've had this bright idea that you're going to make millions on the web. And like all the other 1.4 billion people online you've been told how easy it is. You're all fired up and ready to go. The world is your lobster. But after a couple of days, when things aren't necessarily coming together and you start to have doubts and second thoughts how will you manage the situation. Will you persevere or fold? Will you sacrifice that drink down the pub with your mates or convince yourself another day won't matter? Because the next thing you realise a month will have passed by, maybe two and you're nowhere further forward. You've lost all momentum and focus and you give up. And like the majority, you'll probably just right-off the money and time and put it down to experience. Let's face it. We're all a bit lazy. We want results without the pain and effort and we want it all now. So what went wrong? Was it the product? Was it the wrong time? Was it a lack of money? Was it too time consuming? Or was it the lack of a realistic strategy? Did you really understand what you needed to do before you started? Did you have a realistic plan? Were you unrealistic in your expectations? And this is where someone who is perhaps a little lazier than most may actually be at an advantage. Lazy doesn't necessarily mean not doing anything at all. Lazy can mean being more effective by not wasting time and effort on doing the wrong things at the wrong time. Lazy can mean spreading out tasks at a more realistic pace and just doing enough each day Enthusiasm and dedication could mean weeks researching a product but leave you completely ignorant of how to market and sell it. Total commitment may even be detrimental to your current employment that you'll need to fund you through your start-up. Over eagerness could lead you believing you'll be a millionaire overnight when it will actually take months if not years. So maybe a more laid back approach is required. Maybe you should be thinking the lazy man's way? Start with a simple strategy - preferably copied from someone has who already made the mistakes you want to avoid and who actually makes money. Research just enough to know that your product has a market online. Create a list of the things that you really must do, not a list of things that are fun but won't help your business at this time. Develop a realistic timescale that reflects what you really can achieve And look for that emotional crutch; someone who will actually support you in your efforts and not try and put you down all the time. Bottom line - It's crucial for any project to have momentum. We have to push to get things started. But you have to know where to push and how hard. And you have to keep pushing at a sustainable pace and not burn yourself out too quickly. Curzon Multimedia Ltd is a new company specialising in the distribution of Workshop and Seminar DVDs from some of the world's leading Internet Marketers. For more information visit on how to start your Internet Business
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