The Top Things You Need To Have In your Headline

When you're writing a sales letter or creating a landing page for your site, one vital thing you definitely need to have is an extremely good headline. What a good headline does is to help capture the attention of your visitors, increase the length of customer visits, improve your website conversion rate, increase the number of your subscribers and more. In a powerful headline, as in copywriting strategies, you need to tap into your customer's emotions. In order to do this your headline must have a huge impact on your visitors. Thus, the top 3 things you need to have in your headline are: 1.

Make It Credible Ask yourself if your headline is credible. Consider a headline like this: "Lose 10 Pounds In Two Days! Normally only a small amount of people will believe that headline if it comes with a good body copy. However, do you think a majority of people will bother to read the body copy with that kind of headline? As you can see, credibility matters on whether the headline makes sense to the reader. 2. Does It Invoke Curiosity? Your headline has to make your visitors curious about what you have to offer. The more curious your headline is, the more your visitors want to know what product it is and how much impact it can have on their lives.

Curiosity makes your readers head on over to your sales letter, where they can read and feast their eyes and minds on the product and its benefits. 3. Is It Benefit-Driven? Your customers want you to answer this very important question, which is 'What's In It For me?' This is the first and foremost question you have to answer before you fill up their head with even more benefits that can make them excited and whip out their credit card to get your product. Customers want to know how the product can improve their way of life.

People normally get sensitive when they have to impart with their money, so they want to know what the product can do for them in exchange for their money and if the product is worth to buy. These top three strategies for your headlines can help play a huge part in giving your customers a good first impression of your product. This is what your customers need as an assurance that your product is not a sham and that it is something authentic. Copyright (c) 2007 Jo Han Mok.

Jo Han Mok is the author of the #1 international business bestseller, The E-Code. Unlock the code for unlimited online profits for yourself by visiting his website today at:

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