What To Look Out For When Buying Website TrafficAs soon as you get a website of your own you realize that it will do you no good unless people see it. The biggest problem you will face on the internet is getting quality traffic to your website. In this article we will look at buying website traffic as one method to get visitors and the advantages and disadvantages of getting traffic this way. When you buy website traffic you have to consider the type of traffic you are getting. A targeted visitor is worth more to you than a visitor that happens on your site for no apparent reason. You will see ads telling you that you can buy 10,000 hits for $10. This type of traffic is not really targeted and in the long run may be worthless or virtually worthless. Buying targeted traffic could come to you in a couple of ways. 1. Pay Per Click Traffic 2. Classified ads Pay per click advertising is a method of advertising where you target specific keywords and bid on each word. When someone clicks on your ad you get a visitor. The more valuable the keyword is the more you will pay for each click. This is good traffic to buy because it is targeted. The people clicking on your ad want to do so because you have gotten their attention with a good heading and a well written ad. The downside to pay per click advertising is click fraud. People who are searching will click on your ad just because they are in the habit of wondering aimlessly around the web or even worse they want to take your money because they are jerks. Another problem with pay per click advertising is the cost. Buying this kind of website traffic is not for the faint of heart. You can quickly burn through a month's ad budget in one day if you are not careful. You are better off to bid low and learn the ropes first. Google Adwords and MSN Adcenter have two of the best PPC ad programs. Running classified ads is a cheap way to by traffic to your website. Paying one monthly fee to a quality classified ad service can bring you immediate traffic and all month long. A well written ad can be picked up by a search engine for a specific keyword and bring you traffic that way as well. A couple of the best classified ad companies are Adland Pro and USFreeads. Buying traffic for your website is a fact of life if you want immediate traffic. Buying hits, traffic exchanges and other forms of non targeted traffic will help, but spending your money on targeted website traffic relating to the theme of your website is the best way to do it. Written by: Tom Dahne and Paul Martin Website: http://www.linkdirectory.com and http://www.bidonlinks.net Tom Dahne and Paul Martin are the owners of the very popular directory called Link Directory which is 100% SEO friendly and Human edited, and it accepts free and paid submissions for any quality website so feel free to submit your website today for inclusion.
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